Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, Fifth Edition

By Scott C. Litin, M.D.

As a busy adult, you may have difficulty tracking down information about living a healthy lifestyle. In addition to outlining medical guidance concerning vaccinations, nutrition, managing stress, and overcoming unhealthy behaviors, Mayo Clinic Family Health Book explains diseases and disorders that can develop as people age, such as sleep disorders, diabetes, mental illnesses, digestive problems and different types of cancer.

And just as adult health conditions change with age, the same can be said for children’s health. Whether it’s health care for infants and toddlers or for preteens and teenagers, this comprehensive manual helps give parents insight into every health condition their kids may face during all stages of childhood.

While the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book serves as a helpful tool to keep and reference throughout life, it also provides essential medical information that may be needed in emergency situations. With detailed descriptions for performing CPR and the Heimlich maneuver and treating severe bleeds and burns, this book is an invaluable resource to study to help you prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Hardcover • 8.625 x 11.125 Inches • 1,392 Pages • Mayo Clinic Press • 2018• ISBN 9781945564024

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